7. Finding advisors with expertise in estate planning for families who have a child with special needs.
It’s not easy coming to terms with your own mortality. The part of your brain that processes emotions works faster than the part that processes logic. Therefore, many parents' initial reaction to dealing with the estate planning process is emotional and therefore negative.Typically, when the logical part of the brain catches up, it will justify the emotional response. In other words, it comes up with excuses not to proceed with the planning process.
This situation is made more difficult because we do not teach personal finance in school to any great extent. It is further exacerbated by the reality that what little is taught does not address planning for a child with special needs. Unfortunately, most financial advisors are not well-versed in this area. Their situation is similar to that of your family doctor. While he or she may be great at treating your ordinary illnesses and injuries, you would not use them to perform a heart bypass. You would use a specialist.
That analogy is also true in your estate planning. You want to use an attorney and financial advisor who has the experience and expertise to maximize your situation to benefit your child with a special need while not ignoring your spouse and other children. This is the expertise and experience that the members of the Special Needs Estate Planning Task Force provide you. We are equipped to work you through this extremely emotional process.